Async platforms


Ubiquity supports multiple platforms : Swoole, Workerman, RoadRunner, PHP-PM, ngx_php.


Install the Swoole extension on your system (linux) or in your Docker image :

pecl install swoole

Run Ubiquity Swoole (for the first time, ubiquity-swoole package will be installed):

Ubiquity serve -t=swoole

Server configuration

return array(
    "host" => "",
    "port" => 8080,
        "worker_num" => \swoole_cpu_num() * 2,
            "reactor_num" => \swoole_cpu_num() * 2

The port can also be changed at server startup:

Ubiquity serve -t=swoole -p=8999

Services optimization

Startup of services will be done only once, at server startup.

     'models\\Foo' => 'default',
     'models\\Bar' => 'default'


$swooleServer->on('workerStart', function ($srv) use (&$config) {
     \Ubiquity\orm\DAO::startDatabase($config, 'default');
The warmUpControllers method:
  • instantiates the controllers
  • performs dependency injection
  • prepares the call of the initialize and finalize methods (initialization of call constants)

At the start of each Worker, the warmup method of the controllers can for example initialize prepared DAO queries:

     public static function warmup() {
             self::$oneFooDao = new DAOPreparedQueryById('models\\Foo');
             self::$allFooDao = new DAOPreparedQueryAll('models\\Foo');


Workerman does not require any special installation (except for libevent to be used in production for performance reasons).

Run Ubiquity Workerman (for the first time, ubiquity-workerman package will be installed):

Ubiquity serve -t=workerman

Server configuration

return array(
    "host" => "",
    "port" => 8080,
        "count" => 4,
        "reuseport" =>true

The port can also be changed at server startup:

Ubiquity serve -t=workerman -p=8999

Services optimization

Startup of services will be done only once, at server startup.

     'models\\Foo' => 'default',
     'models\\Bar' => 'default'


$workerServer->onWorkerStart = function () use ($config) {
     \Ubiquity\orm\DAO::startDatabase($config, 'default');


