CRUD Controllers

The CRUD controllers allow you to perform basic operations on a Model class:
  • Create
  • Read
  • Update
  • Delete


In the admin interface (web-tools), activate the Controllers part, and choose create Crud controller:
Then fill in the form:
  • Enter the controller name
  • Select the associated model
  • Then click on the validate button

Description of the features

The generated controller:

namespace controllers;

 * CRUD Controller UsersController
class UsersController extends \Ubiquity\controllers\crud\CRUDController{

     public function __construct(){
             $this->model= models\User::class;

     public function _getBaseRoute() {
             return 'UsersController';

Test the created controller by clicking on the get button in front of the index action:


Read (index action)


Clicking on a row of the dataTable (instance) displays the objects associated to the instance (details action):


Using the search area:


Create (newModel action)

It is possible to create an instance by clicking on the add button


The default form for adding an instance of User:


Update (update action)

The edit button on each row allows you to edit an instance


The default form for adding an instance of User:


Delete (delete action)

The delete button on each row allows you to edit an instance


Display of the confirmation message before deletion:



Create again a CrudController from the admin interface:


It is now possible to customize the module using overriding.



Classes overriding

CRUDController methods to override

Method Signification Default return
index() Default page : list all objects  
edit($modal=”no”, $ids=””) Edits an instance  
newModel($modal=”no”) Creates a new instance  
display($modal=”no”,$ids=””) Displays an instance  
delete($ids) Deletes an instance  
update() Displays the result of an instance updating  
showDetail($ids) Displays associated members with foreign keys  
refresh_() Refreshes the area corresponding to the DataTable (#lv)  
refreshTable($id=null) //TO COMMENT  

ModelViewer methods to override

Method Signification Default return
index route
getModelDataTable($instances, $model,$totalCount,$page=1) Creates the dataTable and Adds its behavior DataTable
getDataTableInstance($instances,$model,$totalCount,$page=1) Creates the dataTable DataTable
recordsPerPage($model,$totalCount=0) Returns the count of rows to display (if null there’s no pagination) null or 6
getGroupByFields() Returns an array of members on which to perform a grouping []
getDataTableRowButtons() Returns an array of buttons to display for each row [“edit”,”delete”,”display”] [“edit”,”delete”]
onDataTableRowButton(HtmlButton $bt, ?string $name) To override for modifying the dataTable row buttons  
getCaptions($captions, $className) Returns the captions of the column headers all member names
detail route
showDetailsOnDataTableClick() To override to make sure that the detail of a clicked object is displayed or not true
onDisplayFkElementListDetails($element,$member,$className,$object) To modify for displaying each element in a list component of foreign objects  
getFkHeaderElementDetails($member, $className, $object) Returns the header for a single foreign object (issue from ManyToOne) HtmlHeader
getFkElementDetails($member, $className, $object) Returns a component for displaying a single foreign object (manyToOne relation) HtmlLabel
getFkHeaderListDetails($member, $className, $list) Returns the header for a list of foreign objects (oneToMany or ManyToMany) HtmlHeader
getFkListDetails($member, $className, $list) Returns a list component for displaying a collection of foreign objects (many) HtmlList
edit and newModel routes
getForm($identifier, $instance) Returns the form for adding or modifying an object HtmlForm
formHasMessage() Determines if the form has a message title true
getFormModalTitle($instance) Returns the form modal title instance class
onFormModalButtons($btOkay, $btCancel) Hook for updating modal buttons  
getFormTitle($form,$instance) Returns an associative array defining form message title with keys “icon”,”message”,”subMessage” HtmlForm
setFormFieldsComponent(DataForm $form,$fieldTypes) Sets the components for each field  
onGenerateFormField($field) For doing something when $field is generated in form  
isModal($objects, $model) Condition to determine if the edit or add form is modal for $model objects count($objects)>5
getFormCaptions($captions, $className, $instance) Returns the captions for form fields all member names
display route
getModelDataElement($instance,$model,$modal) Returns a DataElement object for displaying the instance DataElement
getElementCaptions($captions, $className, $instance) Returns the captions for DataElement fields all member names
delete route
onConfirmButtons(HtmlButton $confirmBtn,HtmlButton $cancelBtn) To override for modifying delete confirmation buttons  

CRUDDatas methods to override

Method Signification Default return
index route
_getInstancesFilter($model) Adds a condition for filtering the instances displayed in dataTable 1=1
getFieldNames($model) Returns the fields to display in the index action for $model all member names
getSearchFieldNames($model) Returns the fields to use in search queries all member names
edit and newModel routes
getFormFieldNames($model,$instance) Returns the fields to update in the edit and newModel actions for $model all member names
getManyToOneDatas($fkClass,$instance,$member) Returns a list (filtered) of $fkClass objects to display in an html list all $fkClass instances
getOneToManyDatas($fkClass,$instance,$member) Returns a list (filtered) of $fkClass objects to display in an html list all $fkClass instances
getManyToManyDatas($fkClass,$instance,$member) Returns a list (filtered) of $fkClass objects to display in an html list all $fkClass instances
display route
getElementFieldNames($model) Returns the fields to display in the display action for $model all member names

CRUDEvents methods to override

Method Signification Default return
index route
onConfDeleteMessage(CRUDMessage $message,$instance) Returns the confirmation message displayed before deleting an instance CRUDMessage
onSuccessDeleteMessage(CRUDMessage $message,$instance) RReturns the message displayed after a deletion CRUDMessage
onErrorDeleteMessage(CRUDMessage $message,$instance) Returns the message displayed when an error occurred when deleting CRUDMessage
edit and newModel routes
onSuccessUpdateMessage(CRUDMessage $message) Returns the message displayed when an instance is added or inserted CRUDMessage
onErrorUpdateMessage(CRUDMessage $message) Returns the message displayed when an error occurred when updating or inserting CRUDMessage
onNewInstance(object $instance) Triggered after the creation of a new instance  
onBeforeUpdate(object $instance, bool $isNew) Triggered before the instance update  
all routes
onNotFoundMessage(CRUDMessage $message,$ids) Returns the message displayed when an instance does not exists  
onDisplayElements($dataTable,$objects,$refresh) Triggered after displaying objects in dataTable  

CRUDFiles methods to override

Method Signification Default return
template files
getViewBaseTemplate() Returns the base template for all Crud actions if getBaseTemplate return a base template filename @framework/crud/baseTemplate.html
getViewIndex() Returns the template for the index route @framework/crud/index.html
getViewForm() Returns the template for the edit and newInstance routes @framework/crud/form.html
getViewDisplay() Returns the template for the display route @framework/crud/display.html
getRouteRefresh() Returns the route for refreshing the index route /refresh_
getRouteDetails() Returns the route for the detail route, when the user click on a dataTable row /showDetail
getRouteDelete() Returns the route for deleting an instance /delete
getRouteEdit() Returns the route for editing an instance /edit
getRouteDisplay() Returns the route for displaying an instance /display
getRouteRefreshTable() Returns the route for refreshing the dataTable /refreshTable
getDetailClickURL($model) Returns the route associated with a foreign key instance in list “”

Twig Templates structure




Displayed in frm block



Displayed in frm block
